Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lección 2- Direct object pronouns

Lección 2- Direct object pronouns

objetivos: Usar los pronombres de objetos directos en contexto.

1. Mira este video luego toma la pruebita de comprención.

El día de gracias en casa. by Elizabeth Giehm on GoAnimate

2. Mira el powerpoint.

3. Mira el video otra vez; attención en el uso de los pronombres del objeto directo.

El día de gracias en casa. by Elizabeth Giehm on GoAnimate

4. Write the sentences in which the characters used direct object pronouns on the wall. Why do you think they used them? Why do you use them in English?

5. Toma las pruebitas. A. Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun. B. Reword the sentences so they use the correct direct object pronoun.



6.You will need to make an account with voicethread in order to do this activity.

A. Listen to a students recording about their Thanksgiving plans.Take notes.

B. Make a comment rewording one of the students sentences using direct object pronouns.

C. Make a recording about your own Thanksgiving plans.

Example: A. You listen; Estudiante 1 dice; "Voy a visitar la casa de mi mamá y comemos el pavo. Luego vemos el partido de fútbol americano." B. You make a comment; Vamos a comerlo. C. You record your plans; "Yo voy a jugar fútbol. Luego voy a comer dulces. También voy a comprar una televisión."

7. Write what you think about the activities in the comments section; include your name and section number to receive full credit.


  1. I thought this lesson was useful and I appreciate doing this instead of having class. However, with these types of assignments I am never sure if my responses, recordings, and accounts ever really save.

  2. I feel like this lesson would be better if taught in person. I didn't understand what you were expecting from us in some of the activities.

  3. Section 4 - Online lessons like this don't teach me anything

  4. Section 17 - I enjoyed this lesson a lot. Interactive activities always help me learn and absorb material very well. The only worry I have with online lessons is I wonder how much of my responses save.

  5. I like doing the lessons like this every once in awhile instead of having class. I understood the lesson part and it was useful, but the activities we're harder to understand. Although, I understand most of it I think it would be good to review the lesson in the next class.

  6. Tyree West sec.4
    This lesson was very helpful with the verbs and additives that it taught over all i learned a lot from this lesson that i can take to class

  7. Sarah Ruddy: Section 4
    I do not enjoy doing these online assignments because they are confusing and I'm never sure if I turned things in or if I did it right.

  8. Ryan Reed: Sec. 4
    This lesson was helpful, I have a better understanding of direct object pronouns.

  9. Sienna Finder, Section 4: I like the online lessons. I just find the directions hard to understand sometimes. It took me a little bit to figure out how to do the recording activity.

  10. Ricki Steffan Section 3: I thought these activities were fun and interesting. Sometimes the directions were a bit vague which made them a little harder, but over all it was nice.

  11. Adam Vazquez Section 4
    I thought that the assignment served its purpose and I was able to get the hang of the concept pretty easily.

  12. Holland vanHemert-- Section 3
    I don't like online assignments because they don't teach me anything. I'd much rather have something taught in class.

  13. Connor Auge, Section 3
    These activities are a useful substitute for class however the instructions are sometimes vague and confusing

  14. I like these types of lessons and greatly appreciate doing this rather than having class the day before thanksgiving, although I'm not sure if I submit things correctly or if it all goes through and saves.

  15. Tiffany Hailpern Section 3
    Some of these activities are useful and a fun alternative to class but the directions can be unclear and the whether or not the submission went through can also be unclear. Overall it was a good lesson though.

  16. I liked the Day of the Dead lesson much better than this one. I was not sure what you wanted us to do on some of the activities, and think that this particular lesson would be better in class. Also like Kayanna said I am not sure if any of the responses save.

  17. I did not like this lesson. I feel like I did not learn as much as I would have in the classroom. Like stated above, I never know if my recordings go through and I find these lessons really confusing. I did appreciate you giving us the day off.
