Thursday, October 3, 2013

El Día de Muertos

Lección de español 101; cultura

Objetivo: Aprender la cultura y vocabulario del Día de los muertos y la diferencia a Halloween

1.Has "click" en los imágenes para aprender el vocabulario, luego toma el "quiz".

2. Lee el artículo del Día de Muertos. Toma el "quiz".(adapted from

Los orígenes de la celebración del Día de Muertos empiezan con las antiguas culturas indígenas de los Aztecas, Mayas, Purepechas, Nahuas y Totonacas. Se celebra el día de los muertos el 1 y 2 de noviembre porque 1 regresan las almas de los niños y el 2 las almas de los adultos. Para celebrar, los parientes de los muertos hacen un altar con calaveras y flores xempazuchitl dedicado al muerto en sus casas. A muchas personas les gusta cenar la comida favorita del muerto con sus familiares en el panteón. Decoran las tumbas con flores y hablan con el muerto de lo que paso el año anterior. Escuchan música tradicional en el cementerio y en especial la música favorita de los muertos. Es una celebración feliz, no triste. Celebramos la vida de los muertos y poder estar el dia con ellos.

3.Mira el video.

4.In English please write how you think this video is related to El Día de los Muertos on the wall(double click to post).

5. How are Halloween and El Día de los Muertos different?

6. Please write what you thought of this lesson in the comments.


  1. I thought that this was a good lesson of what Dia de los Muertos was. It told us what it was show pictures of what it looked like and had a fun video throw in so it wouldn't be so cut and dry.
    -Stephanie Knight Section 3

  2. Overall I thought that this was a good lesson. I already had some general knowledge upon this subject, but I found it interesting to learn more. Much better to learn it this way than to just read an article about it and then try and retain the information.

    -Evan Kress Section 4

  3. I think this lesson was a very fun way to teach us about what the purpose and meaning is of El Dia de los Muertos, and to remind us that it is not at all similar to Halloween as one could assume. I think the video was a very nice closure because I think it did depict very well the idea of El Dia de los Muertos because it is a happy celebration about a deceased loved one. Very fun lesson!
    -Rebekah Cramer Section 4

  4. i thought the lesson was fun and creative it captured my interest and thought me about Mexican culture.

    -Tyree West section 4

  5. I thought this lesson was simple enough to clearly provide us with the information and concepts without being a boring lecture. I liked the variety of the materials/exercises as well as the open-ended discussion questions.

    Jordan Pynes, Section 4

  6. This was a very interesting lesson and a different way to teach us about an important aspect of Mexican culture. I liked how interactive it was, however it did not teach me much about El Día de los Muertos that I did not already know.

    Connor Auge, Section 3

  7. I thought this was a really good lesson!

  8. I enjoyed reading about El Dia de Muertos! I liked how it was interactive and not just a bunch of reading. It made it more engaging and fun to learn.

  9. This lesson was interesting to do online because we could do it on our own time and learn at our own pace. It was interesting learning about dia de muertos with the vocabulary associated with it.

  10. I thought the lesson was really interesting and helpful to learn about the Day of the Dead.

  11. The lesson had helped with the understanding of El Die de Muertos and seeing the key differences between Halloween and the holiday celebrated in Mexico.

    Jase Edison, Section 3

  12. Interesting but I'd rather have in-class lessons.

  13. I really enjoyed this assignment, I did get stuck on a few words though.

  14. I thought that this assignment was interesting and informative.

  15. I thought this lesson was interesting and informative than the usual in-class lesson. It gave me the chance to learn some of the cultural aspects.

  16. I thought the lesson on the background of El Día de Los Muertos was very interesting. The name of the holiday gives off a completely different vibe than what it actually is from an American perspective. I thought that is would be a creepy Halloween-like festivity with Mexican traditions involved. It is interesting that it is actually a very positive, happy festivity celebrating life and death. It is also very interesting the ways that Mexican and other Spanish cultures view the idea of death that is so radically different from that of American culture.

  17. I really enjoyed this lesson. It was very interesting to learn about a Spanish culture and tradition that I could relate to the language. I did not entirely understand the difference between Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos and now I have a greater understanding of the two holidays and the spanish culture.
